
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
Another collection of tips, tools and tricks on Telegram and some documentation on Darth Maul and drones.

This episode of Week in OSINT features some very exciting topics. Not only do we have some really cool tips and tricks on Telegram, but there's also a new tool to locate Telegram users. Then t...

This week was a bit of a rusty start, and I need to get back into the flow I guess. But I did find some interesting topics again!

Every year, after taking a break from writing these episodes, I always need some time to get back into the rhythm. And with a very busy weekend, lots of side-projects a...

I'm back after a few weeks of rest, and I've got some cool new things for you in store, from tutorials to tools!

It was great to take a few weeks off, and I really needed it. Work was pretty busy, private I had some busy weeks, and trying to write a weekly overview was pretty much impossible! But...

It's time for another break again, so this Monday I've rounded up some interesting links and have some extra bonus content!

Every year around this time I take a break for a few weeks, and this year it was very much needed, since I've been busy on all levels. So in the meantime, I've collected some...

This Monday I've found a few interesting links and tutorials, so time for you to study!

This week I've stumbled upon an old site that I forgot the link of, called TravelTime. I also share the awesome OSINT Attack Surface flowcharts of Sinwindie, and I've got some other interesting things. Ready fo...

A nicely filled episode today, with quite some links, tips, tools and other OSINT related news!

This week I've managed to add some more into my weekly overview, and there are quite some things to discover and test. Last week I've had fun reading all these articles and testing some tools. Thank you...

This week a one-off special, where all the links that I share come from one single place.

Two people that have done tremendous work in the TOCP Discord server are zewensec and Xenotyped. Over the past years they've put in a lot of effort into this amazing community, and they keep on working...

Another Monday treat from the world of OSINT, just days after the SANS OSINT Summit. This week loads of links, tips, a tool and a short tutorial.

Last week there was the SANS OSINT Summit and I had a blast! About 12 hours of really great speakers, with topics ranging from NTFs and Ethereum to the...