
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
This week I have a very short update again, but I am very pleased with the little tips that I found for you!

As stated in episode 2024-04, I am very busy lately, so I don't always have time to write a full length episode. But I did find a little bit of time to share some interesting things that...

Another Monday, another small recap from the world of OSINT! This week I have some tools, tricks, tips and other topics!

Another busy week, with a lot of things happening in the world of OSINT. Due to my busy schedule, I am unable to mention everything, but I did spot some interesting things over...

Another short update from the OSINT community, with some news about recent changes, privacy and another challenge by Sophia!

The social media landscape is constantly changing, as are the tools we have to our disposal. That is why I always recommend people not to rely solely on tools, but understan...