
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
From search tools to Skip, and from X to extreme, another episode with some interesting topics from the world of OSINT

I do strive to push an episode out whenever I am able to, but that doesn't always work, but I am back! So after skipping week 24, I found some interesting content that I wanted to...

Your weekly dose of OSINT news brings you some more UDM options, Sofia and Shadows, and we'll look at some creepypasta!

This week I looked at some more Google parameters, and the rest is filled with the topic of geolocation. So if you love playing the Quiztime challenges, and want to get better...

This page contains a list of extensions, and their respective Manifest versions. In Week in #OSINT 2024-22, I wrote about the upcoming changes within the Chromium based browser extensions. This page contains a list of extensions that use the newer Manifest V3, and should be (somewhat) future proof.
Besides the usual interview, exercise and geolocation article, I need to address an important situation regarding the future of Chrome extensions

This week a major part of this episode has to do with an important change that is coming up, the phase-out of older extensions, due to major changes wit...