
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
Another week, another episode with podcasts, people, tutorials and training!

This weekend was a bit more busy than I anticipated, so I didn't have enough time to finish this week's episode in time. But I still wanted to publish it, since I found some interesting things last week I really wanted to...

Welcome to another Week in OSINT, with some insights into Twitter, a nifty Google trick, an OverPass Turbo tool, and other news.

This Monday I have another small update from my side, due to lots of work. I wish I had the time to write longer updates, but maybe it isn't so bad to keep these short....

This episode turned out completely different from expected, but I have no doubt that I gathered some interesting tips.

Initially I planned to write my episode on Friday evening and Saturday morning, but due to the developments in Russia I had other priorities. Despite the fact I am not always foll...

Another packed episode, with topics ranging from fake news, to Telegram, and an old Chrome extension!

So much to talk about, and not everything made it into this week's episode, because I was a bit busy over the weekend. But I did manage to read a lot, and play with the Google Unlocked extension,...

After a week off, I'm back with several topics ranging from geolocation, Tweetdeck, a streaming platform and some OpSec tips.

Two weeks ago I knew my week was fully planned, so there wouldn't be time to publish an episode, so I chose to take some time off. For this week, I have some cool topics to...

This episode turned into a geolocation and OverPass special, with a little extra topping of OpenAI's GPT!

Geolocation is a very important part of the OSINT landscape, and besides manual investigations, there are also tools that can help you. One of the most helpful tools, is OverPass Turbo. By que...

The last episode of 2022, with a few nice tips and tools, and a little rant over the shift within the Twitter atmosphere.

Last week the Twitter account of Sarah Womer (UnleashedOSINT) went offline. The reason? She was pointing out right-winged accounts and companies active on Twitter, promoting...

This week I dive into tips and TryHackMe, Steam and scripting, and some other things from the world of OSINT!

Over the last few months all sorts of threat intel accounts on Twitter have been using the hashtag #OSINT. This, combined with all sorts of worldly turmoil and wars, it has been really tri...