
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
Here is another overview of week 4 from the world of OSINT, covering everything from CTFs to DNS and anything in between!

Lately I have been extremely busy with an education, and for a couple of weeks things won't really improve. So it is possible that a few of the upcoming episodes are slightly s...

Another week, another episode with podcasts, people, tutorials and training!

This weekend was a bit more busy than I anticipated, so I didn't have enough time to finish this week's episode in time. But I still wanted to publish it, since I found some interesting things last week I really wanted to...

In this episode of Week in OSINT, I have some nice tutorials, an advent calendar, links and the weekly meme!

Another Monday, another episode of Week in OSINT is here! Some really nice topics to cover, and of course I will try to keep the new tradition of featuring a weekly meme in my episodes!

In this blog post I review the Dark Waters scenario, that is going live on March 15, 2023. It is a fun, and novel way to practice your OSINT skills!
In this week's episode I don't just share tips and info, but also have a personal project that went online this weekend!

Over the years I've made a couple of email based quizzes, and this weekend one of them has gone live as a web-based quiz! I've been toying with this idea for quite some time but...

Welcome to the Easter version of Week in OSINT, with some tips, sites, info on crypto scams and an actual Easter Egg!

Once in a while I slip in an 'east egg' (example), since I like to have you, as a reader, to look beyond the text that you're seeing. I love to challenge people to stay curious,...

Welcome to the first newsletter of 2022, with satellite imagery, maps, links, challenges, tools and more!

Hello 2022, and hello readers! I've had some lovely time off, and spent a lot of time offline, but now it's time to get into action again! The last weeks I've collected some interesting links,...

Another episode filled with articles, tutorials, cheat sheets and some fun content in between. Whether you're into verification of social media, or need to dive into onion-servers, there's something in here for you!

So much awesome content is being shared the last few months. I wish I had a full d...