
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
Week in OSINT turned five years old on May 20, 2023 and to celebrate I wanted to share a bit more insight into the person behind all this OSINT madness.
For about 4 years The OSINT Curious Project has been an important part of my life. And I am still proud I was a member, and help to share knowledge with the OSINT community.

It was late 2018, and Technisette contacted me and Benjamin Strick to ask whether we would like to speak at a conference...

In this blog post I review the Dark Waters scenario, that is going live on March 15, 2023. It is a fun, and novel way to practice your OSINT skills!

Metadata is data that provides information on other data. Within digital media, like photos or videos, it contains things like the creation date, location it was recorded, the applications used for editing, or even information about the creator of the item. This data is stored within the file itself...

A comprehensive guide to determining dates and times in (online) media

In this article I'll be diving into the world of chronolocation, metadata and shadows. Since this is the largest article I've written so far, I've decided to create a table of contents for your convenience. At the end of every...

Review of Vortimo, an application that is designed to capture information within your browser, and help you to organize collected evidence.

It was 1999 when Roelof Temmingh had an idea to start a company that would become Sensepost. Less than ten years later, around 2007, he set up Paterva, the co...

This is an overview of my favourite podcasts out there in the world of security, investigations and OSINT.

I love podcasts, and for years they have replaced listening to music for me. During commuting I usually listen to an episode of one of the podcasts featured in here, or even when I do some ch...

I've been going over the book Full Stack Recruiter: The Ultimate Edition, that has its target audience in the field of recruitment. But I found it very helpful for other people too, so in this article I am sharing my thoughts about the book from the perspective as an open source investigator.
