
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
This week some tips on privacy, metadata, speech-to-text and other interesting topics!

On May 20, 2018 I published the very first Week in OSINT over on Medium, and with the help of Ryan, the first two episodes ever are now on this site! The articles can be found here:


Metadata is data that provides information on other data. Within digital media, like photos or videos, it contains things like the creation date, location it was recorded, the applications used for editing, or even information about the creator of the item. This data is stored within the file itself...

A comprehensive guide to determining dates and times in (online) media

In this article I'll be diving into the world of chronolocation, metadata and shadows. Since this is the largest article I've written so far, I've decided to create a table of contents for your convenience. At the end of every...

This week I managed to cramp a lot of things into a tiny newsletter. From metadata and threat intelligence, to articles on OSINT in general. This episode has it all!

Somehow I managed to get some extra time this weekend to work on my newsletter. Usually I spend about 3 to 4 hours or so on the Frid...

A second part on my journey into the world of Google ID's

In December last year I think I wrote one of my most successful articles yet, on how to trace a possible identity via a Gmail address. But life and work happened, and even though I discovered a lot more things, I never had the time and po...

Some tips, a reverse image search, a new imagery website and the almost mandatory ‘corona section’

It’s time again for a short update with some nice things that I found last week while browsing the web. I kind of missed checking social media for new tips and links, or maybe I’m slightly going craz...

From job hunting and fact checking, to Twitter and Steam. More sites, articles, tools and of course some new tips in the ‘corona section’.

While most of us stayed at home to work, like me, others may have had difficulties to keep their job. So it's time to start studying and get you ready for the...

A small overview of interesting things that caught my OSINT-aware eye last week.

While I've been extremely busy last week with work and doing some catching up on digital forensic techniques, the rest of the Twitterverse and beyond shared lots of nice links. I know it's just a small section of ever...