Week in OSINT #2020-10

A small overview of interesting things that caught my OSINT-aware eye last week.

While I've been extremely busy last week with work and doing some catching up on digital forensic techniques, the rest of the Twitterverse and beyond shared lots of nice links. I know it's just a small section of everything I am able to read during the week, but you'll have to do it with this small overview:

  • Email to Twitter Account
  • Hi-res Instagram Images
  • SIFT
  • Morph.io
  • Microsoft Video Indexer

Tutorial: Email to Twitter Account

Aware Online shared one of his older tutorial last week on how it is still possible to find Twitter users via a known email address. Even though it is a blog post from December last year, this is one of the many useful blog posts he has written on his website. So make sure you follow him and keep an eye out for new blog posts!

Link: https://www.aware-online.com/en/email-to-twitter-account/

Tip: Hi-res Instagram Images

Aric Toler from Bellingcat shared a post about archiving websites and media. One tip that caught my eye was re-shared by Julia Bayer, and has to do with getting the largest resolution image from an Instagram post. Neat little tip, but also a really good blogpost in general about archiving online media!

Link: https://www.bellingcat.com/resources/how-tos/2018/02/22/archive-open-source-materials/


Tilman saw a post by Will Oremus about fighting the constant stream of ‘fake news’ online. The blog post is focused on the Coronavirus, but his acronym can be used for all types of investigations: SIFT!

The original 4 steps to investigate a claim, by Mike Caulfield
The original 4 steps to investigate a claim, by Mike Caulfield

Link: https://onezero.medium.com/amp/p/4b7995448071

If you want to know a bit more about this, then also read the post by Mike Caulfield on SIFT here: https://hapgood.us/2019/06/19/sift-the-four-moves/

Site: Morph.io

The blog by Angelica should have its own section in this news letter (click here for that one 👉 LINK), but that has been shared by so many people, you must have seen it! So let me just use that as a segue for a different scraping tool. Because last week Stefanie Proto @Sprp77 shared a link to Morph.io, an online scraper platform. You code whatever scraper you need, on GitHub, in the language of your choice, you set it up and let it run once every so often in the cloud. Never touching your targets, scraping along whatever you need. But… It will be all public, that's the downside of the platform 😉

Example of a running scraper
Example of a running scraper

Link: https://morph.io/

Guide to build a web scraper: https://medium.com/better-programming/the-only-step-by-step-guide-youll-need-to-build-a-web-scraper-with-python-e79066bd895a

Article: Microsoft Video Indexer

Matthias Wilson wrote a blog about using the Video Indexer platform from Microsoft to automatically index, transcribe and categorise footage. Automatic tagging of topics, facial recognition, automatic timeline generation and search option are all available. Looking for another project to play with? Here you go!

Link: https://keyfindings.blog/2020/03/08/using-the-microsoft-video-indexer-for-osint/

Have a good week and have a good search!

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