
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
Another short update from the OSINT community, with some news about recent changes, privacy and another challenge by Sophia!

The social media landscape is constantly changing, as are the tools we have to our disposal. That is why I always recommend people not to rely solely on tools, but understan...

Another little update, with topics like: Twitter and Telegram, Shodan and ships!

After some really busy weeks, some quiet time is lurking around the corner. And to be honest, it might be that I am even going to skip one of the upcoming episodes, to keep my sanity in check, haha! For now, I did man...

Another little update with tips and resources, shared by the OSINT community over the last week or so.

As usual, I try to cover a few tips, articles or newsworthy stories from the world of open source intelligence, investigative journalism, or any other related field of expertise. And even though...

As most regular readers have noticed by now, I started linking to people's social media profiles differently lately. Instead of linking to their Twitter account, I started providing multiple social media profiles where applicable. Wherever possible, I will be providing links to Twitter, Mastodon,...

Last week I had to skip, but I'm back with a short update with a tutorial, some tools and tips!

Once in a while, there are weeks that are so incredibly busy, that I can't make time to write a Week in OSINT. Two weeks ago was such a week. For four days in a row, I left home early and was home late....

Finally, I am back! with a nicely filled Week in OSINT with tips, tutorials and interesting topics.

I really needed a break from writing these articles, but after a few weeks of taking some time off I have gathered some interesting topics, tips and other things for you, from the world of OSINT. Le...

This is the last episode of WiO, before a well deserved summer stop. I'll be enjoying my time off with some non-OSINT things, and lots of sleeping in!

It is finally time for me to take a little break from Week in OSINT. Every year I take a month long break around July or August, and looking at the...

Welcome to another Week in OSINT, with some insights into Twitter, a nifty Google trick, an OverPass Turbo tool, and other news.

This Monday I have another small update from my side, due to lots of work. I wish I had the time to write longer updates, but maybe it isn't so bad to keep these short....