
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
A very short update, after being away for some weeks! This week, with some 'highlights'...

Okay, excuse the pun, those highlights can be found in the first section of this week's episode. A really handy little tool that will absolutely help you on your adventures out there. Talking about adventure...

Last week I had to skip, but I'm back with a short update with a tutorial, some tools and tips!

Once in a while, there are weeks that are so incredibly busy, that I can't make time to write a Week in OSINT. Two weeks ago was such a week. For four days in a row, I left home early and was home late....

It's time for another break again, so this Monday I've rounded up some interesting links and have some extra bonus content!

Every year around this time I take a break for a few weeks, and this year it was very much needed, since I've been busy on all levels. So in the meantime, I've collected some...

A nicely filled episode today, with quite some links, tips, tools and other OSINT related news!

This week I've managed to add some more into my weekly overview, and there are quite some things to discover and test. Last week I've had fun reading all these articles and testing some tools. Thank you...

After some time off, it's time again for your weekly dose of OSINT! This time I've got topics ranging from handy searches, to extracting data.

My initial plan was to come back last week, but sometimes things don't go as planned. But here we are again, with your weekly overview of interesting thing...

This week has quite some content that comes from what I've used myself this week, what I discovered, or what has been shared in private channels.

Usually this newsletter contains a lot of links, articles or tutorials that were shared with the community in the week before. This time a lot of the li...

Hello May, hello readers! Another newsletter with tools, tips, warnings and tutorials for you to start your week.

The first item this week shows once again the landscape of OSINT is constantly changing. It's not just the new apps and platforms that keep popping up, but also the mainstream social m...

This week an important warning, some nice maps, tips and other things I encountered during my daily scrolling through all my news feeds and social media.

This week it's another interesting episode, starting off with an important warning about extensions and add-ons. Who would have suspected that a...