
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
It's time for another break again, so this Monday I've rounded up some interesting links and have some extra bonus content!

Every year around this time I take a break for a few weeks, and this year it was very much needed, since I've been busy on all levels. So in the meantime, I've collected some...

A nicely filled episode today, with quite some links, tips, tools and other OSINT related news!

This week I've managed to add some more into my weekly overview, and there are quite some things to discover and test. Last week I've had fun reading all these articles and testing some tools. Thank you...

This week: Synonames and searching, verification and Flickr, dumps and digital detectives.

Monday morning, and no matter what happens, I'll keep on writing this weekly overview. Mostly because I love it, and it actually forces me to actively find new and interesting things. At times there are tool...

There aren’t an awful lot of movies or series where open source investigations play a major role, but I did manage to find some. So in case you want to spend some time watching something nice during the holidays, here are my personal recommendations.