
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
Sometimes things don't go as planned, like a new blog post I was writing last year, but the post got scrapped. I found something that I didn't expect and ethics won in that case, since I think it was the right thing to do.

It was May 15, 2019 and I was writing the blog post cURL for the OSINT Cur...

OPSEC, Offensive OSINT, open source and open formats! Combined with procedures, techniques and some forensics.

Hello all and welcome to yet another rather short newsletter. But then again, I think it's safe to assume that most of you don't like lengthy articles on a Monday morning 👀 This week I mo...

This week: Synonames and searching, verification and Flickr, dumps and digital detectives.

Monday morning, and no matter what happens, I'll keep on writing this weekly overview. Mostly because I love it, and it actually forces me to actively find new and interesting things. At times there are tool...

Social media tips and tools, follow the money, some JavaScript and Vortimo.

Hello and welcome to the OSINT overview of week 9! There were loads of links that I received and found, but it was so much that I couldn’t find the time to write about it all! So here are my 5 picks for last week:

  • Feed...