
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
The latest OSINT news of week 9, 2023 is here! With topics ranging from careers in OSINT, to checking the existence of Snapchat accounts!

Another week flew by, with lots of interesting topics that I found online, that I will be sharing here with you. But of course I am also sharing the very last w...

A small episode this time, with some tools, API's and explanations on how to geolocate!

Not really a massive newsletter this week, but after working extra hard to get the first version of my tutorial on chronolocation ready for publication, I took some time off. Small update or not, still some i...

This week we're jumping from social media to drugs, and from technical articles and API's to domain information.

What a great week it has been! So many great tips, websites, tools, articles and tweets this week. It's sometimes nearly impossible for me to send out a finished 'Week in OSINT', since...

Sometimes things don't go as planned, like a new blog post I was writing last year, but the post got scrapped. I found something that I didn't expect and ethics won in that case, since I think it was the right thing to do.

It was May 15, 2019 and I was writing the blog post cURL for the OSINT Cur...

API’s and onions, locations and leaks…

What a week it has been! First there was a huge dump of the Iron March forum, then Vortimo got accepted by Google (planning a review of that later on) and I also found way too many awesome links to share! It doesn’t look so much with only four topics, but the...