
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
The latest OSINT news of week 9, 2023 is here! With topics ranging from careers in OSINT, to checking the existence of Snapchat accounts!

Another week flew by, with lots of interesting topics that I found online, that I will be sharing here with you. But of course I am also sharing the very last w...

This Monday I have something else in mind than usual. Not a list of tools and tips, but a small collection of interesting Twitter accounts.

In this 'Twitter special' I'm not going to tell you who to follow for OSINT advice and tips, because most accounts are mentioned by me in the previous edition...

A small update from the world of OSINT news, with some maps, some geopolitical affairs and some tools.

This week there's only a small update, since I ran into some issues with another tool I wanted to include. Once in a while there's a tool that looks really great, but when it's giving me troubl...