
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
Week in OSINT turned five years old on May 20, 2023 and to celebrate I wanted to share a bit more insight into the person behind all this OSINT madness.
This week it turned into an episode focussed on media, like podcasts, interviews and even a movie!

By sheer coincidence I found some interesting podcasts, right after watching the movie 'Missing' last week. So I decided to focus on media based content this time. And since there is a lot to share o...

The latest OSINT news of week 9, 2023 is here! With topics ranging from careers in OSINT, to checking the existence of Snapchat accounts!

Another week flew by, with lots of interesting topics that I found online, that I will be sharing here with you. But of course I am also sharing the very last w...