
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
From videos to visualisations, companies to communities, and from tips to tools! Maybe all of it is in this week's episode, but I mainly love alliterations...

Time flies when you're having fun, or when you are busy studying, like I was... But this week I am back with another 'normal' episode of We...

Another Monday, another small recap from the world of OSINT! This week I have some tools, tricks, tips and other topics!

Another busy week, with a lot of things happening in the world of OSINT. Due to my busy schedule, I am unable to mention everything, but I did spot some interesting things over...

Another short update from the OSINT community, with some news about recent changes, privacy and another challenge by Sophia!

The social media landscape is constantly changing, as are the tools we have to our disposal. That is why I always recommend people not to rely solely on tools, but understan...

Christmas is getting close, and this will be the last episode of this year! But I've got some interesting content for you!

Every year around the December holidays I take some time off. And even though I have taken several breaks this year, due to an extremely busy schedule, I am going to take anot...

Another week, another episode with podcasts, people, tutorials and training!

This weekend was a bit more busy than I anticipated, so I didn't have enough time to finish this week's episode in time. But I still wanted to publish it, since I found some interesting things last week I really wanted to...

Week 15 of 2023 brings you some OSINT on leaked documents, LinkedIn, loads of records, links and more!

This week I just had to talk about the wonderful job that was done by The New York Times. I haven't mentioned everyone that worked on this, but I do know this was a team effort. Besides that, I'v...

This week's episode turned into a special about the process of doing research. I adopted a somewhat logical flow in the order of topics, and have something special at the end.

When doing some research on last week's content, I found out that there were some good articles posted dealing with the wo...

Another filled episode with things on Telegram and Twitch, something on DeepFakes and for Digital Sherlocks.

I tried to have a quiet weekend, but it ended up with me creating a new VM, and testing the new Telegram trilateration tool. Sometimes things are just too awesome to not spend some time on...