
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
For about 4 years The OSINT Curious Project has been an important part of my life. And I am still proud I was a member, and help to share knowledge with the OSINT community.

It was late 2018, and Technisette contacted me and Benjamin Strick to ask whether we would like to speak at a conference...

The latest OSINT news of week 9, 2023 is here! With topics ranging from careers in OSINT, to checking the existence of Snapchat accounts!

Another week flew by, with lots of interesting topics that I found online, that I will be sharing here with you. But of course I am also sharing the very last w...

Another filled episode, with some videos and articles, but I also added some tips and insights on the new Google Analytics platform.

This week there's quite some content, and there's been some really nice information out there that I needed to share here too. But I also decided to share some perso...

Welcome to the Monday and to another episode of OSINT related content. From real world applications of geolocation to new tools to map IP addresses, it's time again to share some links in Week in #OSINT!

Another week gone, and so many interesting things were shared again. This time I actually rece...