
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!

As most regular readers have noticed by now, I started linking to people's social media profiles differently lately. Instead of linking to their Twitter account, I started providing multiple social media profiles where applicable. Wherever possible, I will be providing links to Twitter, Mastodon,...

Another episode of your weekly OSINT news is here, with tools to investigate links, Twitter changes, Tor and more!

This week I start with the latest changes that Twitter made to their platform, although Twitter claims it is only temporary. It is another action that closes off Twitter for the 'publ...

Another WiO is here, with a little side-step into the world of security assessment, or hacking, and some other OSINT-y goodness!

This week I touch on a conference in Paris I would love to attend some day, but this year it wasn't meant to be. Besides that, I've got some Burp Suite and Bellingcat, a...

This week I have to share some things that I found, while sharing some awesome work done by others at the same time!

When looking for new avenues within open source investigations, a lot of trial and error is done. And every time something new is discovered, I love to deep-dive into it. So last ni...

It was an awesome and productive week for me, followed by a weekend with GOSINTcon, a German conference. What will this week bring?

So much good stuff being shared over the last week, followed by conINT, that I sadly had to miss, and on Sunday a German OSINT Conference. What else could one wish! A...

Another Monday with some helpful tips, handy tools, and an upcoming conference!

Time flies when you're uhm... Busy. Hardly had any time to relax, so hopefully a more quiet time is approaching. This time I've managed to secure some nice content, including some tips that were sent to my by email and...

Ready for another weekly overview, with topics like: Mapping, searching, datasets, videos and more? Then read on!

Last week has flown past, and before I knew it, the weekend was there. And I didn't have a single topic for this episode. But as I suspected more than enough people had shared some awe...

In this newsletter we have some research, a conference, a bunch of tips and a little treasure with cheat sheets and lots of links!

This week it wasn't difficult to find interesting topics. I haven't even begun to look at notes from the NCPTF conference, where I was able to attend a handful of ta...