
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
Another WiO is here, with a little side-step into the world of security assessment, or hacking, and some other OSINT-y goodness!

This week I touch on a conference in Paris I would love to attend some day, but this year it wasn't meant to be. Besides that, I've got some Burp Suite and Bellingcat, a...

Another week with some tips, tricks and tools in the world of OSINT. Most have been shared a lot already, maybe I should try and find some more niche links...

I get sent tips, tools and articles once in a while, but it can happen that they don't make it in my newsletter. Please don't feel bad, it'...

Articles, tools and tips, your usual weekly OSINT overview to start your week.

Hello and welcome to June! This time I had some more time to dive into the news of last week, so here are some interesting topics I managed to dig up for you from the last couple of days:

  • Runnaroo
  • TikTok
  • More Ti...