
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
After a small break, your weekly OSINT overview is back! With a wide range of topics, and some extra fun at the end!

As stated in my tweet on May 29, I was going to have some busy weeks and couldn't make any episode last week. But I am back, and I've got some interesting topics this week, at lea...

This Monday we investigate phishing kits, Telegram and videos, and we take a look at CCTV systems and CAPTCHAs.

Another very busy weekend, with lots of fun things behind me. This time I had written most of the content well in advanced, so I was actually able to relax a bit instead of hastily finis...

Another week with some tips, tricks and tools in the world of OSINT. Most have been shared a lot already, maybe I should try and find some more niche links...

I get sent tips, tools and articles once in a while, but it can happen that they don't make it in my newsletter. Please don't feel bad, it'...

Your weekly OSINT newsletter is back with information from week 9. Well, some things were shared last week, the rest was found by me while browsing around looking for new tools!

From the dark web, to legal guidelines on collecting evidence. Anything can show up in this newsletter, and so it should...