
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
Another Monday with some helpful tips, handy tools, and an upcoming conference!

Time flies when you're uhm... Busy. Hardly had any time to relax, so hopefully a more quiet time is approaching. This time I've managed to secure some nice content, including some tips that were sent to my by email and...

Lots of links, tools and articles this week and it ain't even Christmas yet! From stories to Shodan and Tafferugli to Transforms, whether it's IoT or social media, you'll enjoy this weekly episode!

This week I've been taking my time collecting some interesting tools, tips and articles, but also re...

The last newsletter before taking a long break, with some new articles, tutorials and sites for you to play with!

As stated in last week's newsletter, I'm going to enjoy a little break. Every year I'm taking some time off during the holidays and Christmas, and this year is no exception. I want to...