
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
Another week filled with interesting topics, from upcoming events to Twitter tips and tricks, and an awesome link about global and local threats!

Even though it's not my day job to fight disinformation, or track global threats like ISIS, I do love all the research that has been done by others. I l...

From geolocation to hate symbols, and from GIS information to YouTube in this small update.

Hello and welcome to one of the last Week in OSINT's for a while. Next week will be the last episode before I am taking a break for a couple of weeks. I usually do that around summer and Christmas, and I'm...

Welcome to December, here are some interesting links about Google and Greynoise, mapping and mobiles, scraping and searching!

Good morning all! It was a very interesting week in the world of OSINT links. This week I managed to scrape together a nice list of interesting things to go over:

  • Googl...
A short weekly update, due to other priorities, with a scam, a book, a tool and an article!

I was able to enjoy some offline time last week and get some rest from daily life. Gathering energy to dive into a malware campaign, preparing sheets for some talks, and of course to keep this newsletter up...