
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
This Monday I've found a few interesting links and tutorials, so time for you to study!

This week I've stumbled upon an old site that I forgot the link of, called TravelTime. I also share the awesome OSINT Attack Surface flowcharts of Sinwindie, and I've got some other interesting things. Ready fo...

Welcome to the Easter version of Week in OSINT, with some tips, sites, info on crypto scams and an actual Easter Egg!

Once in a while I slip in an 'east egg' (example), since I like to have you, as a reader, to look beyond the text that you're seeing. I love to challenge people to stay curious,...

Short update due to being busy, but I continue sharing my views on tools, and found some nice things I wanted to share.

Last week I added some personal views on the usage of tools, and I decided that this week I'm going to continue with it. Yes, I do share loads of them in this weekly little 'blog...

Welcome to another Monday, your weekly small collection of tools, tips, links and articles in the world of OSINT!

Even though I was back at work, I only spent some time doing some fun stuff in my spare time. I only started writing this all on Saturday, and didn't even know whether I would finish i...

This week an important warning, some nice maps, tips and other things I encountered during my daily scrolling through all my news feeds and social media.

This week it's another interesting episode, starting off with an important warning about extensions and add-ons. Who would have suspected that a...