
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
Phishing, sock puppets, virtualization and more on this Easter Monday episode of Week in OSINT!

I start off with something different for once, namely about the way that malicious code, like phishing kits, are being offerend online. An article by Kaspersky clearly shows what a big part Telegram pla...

Another episode with tips and tricks on TikTok and Telegram, and some news on different building databases.

I've been going over some websites, while preparing a workshop, and found out that the online world of building databases have changed. Just like social media, once in a while sites disappea...

Today I have a large edition, with topics like: Operational security, google searches, a cheat sheet and some handy tips!

I spent some extra time last week collecting all kinds of links and tips, and I had lots of fun creating this edition. There were so many awesome tweets, articles and tips shar...

While I have a short break during the summer, here are a couple of great resources, articles and videos to dive into while I'm off.

I'm in dire need of a little break from this newsletter, like every year around this time. But don't worry, there's a lot of great content out there that will keep yo...