
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
This week has quite some content that comes from what I've used myself this week, what I discovered, or what has been shared in private channels.

Usually this newsletter contains a lot of links, articles or tutorials that were shared with the community in the week before. This time a lot of the li...

Welcome to the Monday and to another episode of OSINT related content. From real world applications of geolocation to new tools to map IP addresses, it's time again to share some links in Week in #OSINT!

Another week gone, and so many interesting things were shared again. This time I actually rece...

This week I managed to cramp a lot of things into a tiny newsletter. From metadata and threat intelligence, to articles on OSINT in general. This episode has it all!

Somehow I managed to get some extra time this weekend to work on my newsletter. Usually I spend about 3 to 4 hours or so on the Frid...

Your weekly OSINT newsletter is back with information from week 9. Well, some things were shared last week, the rest was found by me while browsing around looking for new tools!

From the dark web, to legal guidelines on collecting evidence. Anything can show up in this newsletter, and so it should...

Welcome to the first episode of 2021, that should've been sent out a lot earlier. For the first newsletter of 2021 I'm going over some nice tools and articles that have been shared in the last few weeks.

This quite small episode was long overdue. But hey! I have a day job too, and some things are...

Welcome to the first episode of December 2020! With big list of tips on tools, sharing knowledge about KML, shadows and social media.

Just one more episode to go before my monthly leave kicks in, and so many great articles and links have been shared the last week! It feels like everybody is sharin...

This week an important warning, some nice maps, tips and other things I encountered during my daily scrolling through all my news feeds and social media.

This week it's another interesting episode, starting off with an important warning about extensions and add-ons. Who would have suspected that a...

This week I have something slightly different for you. Not a lot of links, articles, or tools, but a bunch of interesting Google searches and how the 'developer tools' of your browser can help to get to the bottom of the info.

Due to calling in sick, I had to shorten this weeks episode. Of course...