
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
Week in OSINT turned five years old on May 20, 2023 and to celebrate I wanted to share a bit more insight into the person behind all this OSINT madness.
This week it turned into an episode focussed on media, like podcasts, interviews and even a movie!

By sheer coincidence I found some interesting podcasts, right after watching the movie 'Missing' last week. So I decided to focus on media based content this time. And since there is a lot to share o...

Another packed episode, with topics ranging from fake news, to Telegram, and an old Chrome extension!

So much to talk about, and not everything made it into this week's episode, because I was a bit busy over the weekend. But I did manage to read a lot, and play with the Google Unlocked extension,...

This week some tips on privacy, metadata, speech-to-text and other interesting topics!

On May 20, 2018 I published the very first Week in OSINT over on Medium, and with the help of Ryan, the first two episodes ever are now on this site! The articles can be found here:


For about 4 years The OSINT Curious Project has been an important part of my life. And I am still proud I was a member, and help to share knowledge with the OSINT community.

It was late 2018, and Technisette contacted me and Benjamin Strick to ask whether we would like to speak at a conference...

After a week off, I'm back with several topics ranging from geolocation, Tweetdeck, a streaming platform and some OpSec tips.

Two weeks ago I knew my week was fully planned, so there wouldn't be time to publish an episode, so I chose to take some time off. For this week, I have some cool topics to...