
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
And another week gone by, and lots of great content shared out there again. From debunking news, to reading tips provided by the community!

Lately I've been extremely busy at work, but also in my private life I'm very busy. Since we're able to go back to the office again for a few days a week, and...

From Shodan alternatives to an alternative search engine, and from finding witnesses with Strava, to interesting information on indexed Tor nodes.

This week I played around a bit with By zooming in on specific areas, certain maps or imagery sets show up. From old photos taken by spy sa...

Another episode filled with articles, tutorials, cheat sheets and some fun content in between. Whether you're into verification of social media, or need to dive into onion-servers, there's something in here for you!

So much awesome content is being shared the last few months. I wish I had a full d...

This week I managed to cramp a lot of things into a tiny newsletter. From metadata and threat intelligence, to articles on OSINT in general. This episode has it all!

Somehow I managed to get some extra time this weekend to work on my newsletter. Usually I spend about 3 to 4 hours or so on the Frid...

Week 8 of 2021 has some nice links for social media, Geoint, OSINT for good and even threat intelligence.

While writing this episode I realised that I'm already closing up to the third year of Week in OSINT. When I started this 'little' hobby project in May 2018 I didn't think it would take off at...

Welcome to the first episode of December 2020! With big list of tips on tools, sharing knowledge about KML, shadows and social media.

Just one more episode to go before my monthly leave kicks in, and so many great articles and links have been shared the last week! It feels like everybody is sharin...

This week we're jumping from social media to drugs, and from technical articles and API's to domain information.

What a great week it has been! So many great tips, websites, tools, articles and tweets this week. It's sometimes nearly impossible for me to send out a finished 'Week in OSINT', since...

The last newsletter before taking a long break, with some new articles, tutorials and sites for you to play with!

As stated in last week's newsletter, I'm going to enjoy a little break. Every year I'm taking some time off during the holidays and Christmas, and this year is no exception. I want to...