
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
Lots of links, tools and articles this week and it ain't even Christmas yet! From stories to Shodan and Tafferugli to Transforms, whether it's IoT or social media, you'll enjoy this weekly episode!

This week I've been taking my time collecting some interesting tools, tips and articles, but also re...

From deep fakes to threat intel, here is another week with a new bunch of links from the world of OSINT.

Sadly enough I haven't been able to test out every tool this week, especially the threat intel tool looks very interesting to me. I've always worked in IT and the field of IT security will alwa...

Discovered links in chats, items that were given via DM and even a small discovery from the homefront, and I've got some news about this website.

This week a small update, but nonetheless very interesting in my opinion. Small because I've been busy with updating the 'links' database on this site....

After a month of absence, I'm back with a brand new Week in OSINT! With some sites for Twitter, tips for Facebook and other interesting links!

I enjoyed a month off, where I've been focussing on migrating some content to a new place on the internet. I also have been busy writing a bit more, collec...

The last newsletter before taking a long break, with some new articles, tutorials and sites for you to play with!

As stated in last week's newsletter, I'm going to enjoy a little break. Every year I'm taking some time off during the holidays and Christmas, and this year is no exception. I want to...

Another Monday, another list of articles, tutorials, tips and tools for you to explore!

Slowly I’m getting the hang of working at home, but I think I’d rather just go to the office to work with my awesome colleagues. I’m a people person, and I like being surrounded by other geeks, nerds, or people...

Welcome to December, here are some interesting links about Google and Greynoise, mapping and mobiles, scraping and searching!

Good morning all! It was a very interesting week in the world of OSINT links. This week I managed to scrape together a nice list of interesting things to go over:

  • Googl...
API’s and onions, locations and leaks…

What a week it has been! First there was a huge dump of the Iron March forum, then Vortimo got accepted by Google (planning a review of that later on) and I also found way too many awesome links to share! It doesn’t look so much with only four topics, but the...