
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
This week a one-off special, where all the links that I share come from one single place.

Two people that have done tremendous work in the TOCP Discord server are zewensec and Xenotyped. Over the past years they've put in a lot of effort into this amazing community, and they keep on working...

Another week, another batch of links to tools, articles, loads of links and some threat intel topics for this week.

Hello everyone, welcome to another episode. This week I did some searching on my own, and that led me to GitHub to find some new and surprising things, like information on the Slovak...

After a month of absence, I'm back with a brand new Week in OSINT! With some sites for Twitter, tips for Facebook and other interesting links!

I enjoyed a month off, where I've been focussing on migrating some content to a new place on the internet. I also have been busy writing a bit more, collec...