Week in OSINT #2020-13

Another Monday, another list of articles, tutorials, tips and tools for you to explore!

Slowly I’m getting the hang of working at home, but I think I’d rather just go to the office to work with my awesome colleagues. I’m a people person, and I like being surrounded by other geeks, nerds, or people in general that I can learn from. But, we’ll hang in there and I’ll just keep on covering the news about OSINT related topics. Speaking of that, this week I’m covering the following topics for you:

  • Monitoring Live Events
  • Reverse Image Tool
  • Visualising Vessels in QGIS
  • Upcoming Facebook Changes
  • What’s My Name?
  • London Traffic Cams

Media: Monitoring Live Events

Josh Huff held a talk at the SANS Open Source Intelligence Summit earlier this year, and it is published now for our viewing pleasure. He talks about his favourite tools to monitor live events.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrOOdq25wMw

Tool: Reverse Image Tool

Dutch OsintGuy shared a tweet by Armin Sebastian, when he told the Twitterverse that he updated his reverse image search add-on for Firefox. This is one of my favourite tools already, but it just got even better! It now has the option to search for brands, trademarked logos or symbols with a single click of your mouse. Just make sure you update your add-on and open the options to find the new sites.

Searching for logo’s and symbols with your favourite reverse image search tool!
Searching for logo’s and symbols with your favourite reverse image search tool!

Link: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/search_by_image/

Tutorial: Visualising Vessels in QGIS

Twitter user bearhunt11 wrote another article about QGIS, one of the best open source applications if you are into Geographic Information System (GIS). This time he uses a Python scraper to retrieve information from a website and visualise it within QGIS. His Medium blog is an absolute must if you want to know more about automating or visualising location with Overpass Turbo or QGIS!

Showing ships and visualising vessels
Showing ships and visualising vessels

Link: https://link.medium.com/K8aLxuYMd5

Article: Upcoming Facebook Changes

Facebook is slowly rolling out the new look for the Facebook profiles and groups. It has been said before that there are a few things that are changing, so we’re trying to keep an eye out for more information like this article. The searches via the graph engine still seem to work, it’s just that the look and feel of a page is changing, and with that also some filters and pieces of information.

Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash
Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash

Link: https://firstdraftnews.org/latest/facebook-changes-2020/

Site: What’s My Name?

Last week Micah Moffman let us know that Chris Poulter created a web front-end for Micah’s tool WhatsMyName. The tool WhatsMyName is one of many username search engines, but it works slightly different than others, because it actually looks at the content of the website after opening a profile, instead of simply checking error messages returned to the clients like most tools do. It was already one of my favourite tools, due to the extremely low amount of false positives, and it just got better!

Link: https://whatsmyname.app/

GitHub: https://github.com/WebBreacher/WhatsMyName

Site: London Traffic Cameras

Eliot Higgins shared a link to an interactive map that hosts all of the London traffic cameras. Besides a map that shows you a live feed of each and every camera out there, they also have a list of all cameras with the exact location and an archive, going back to 30 days. If you didn’t know yet what to do during the ‘lockdown’, this might give you some hours of fun at least!

London traffic cams
London traffic cams

Map: https://www.tfljamcams.net/

Archive: https://archive.tfljamcams.net/

List: https://www.tfljamcams.net/util/listCams.php?jb=476

| OSINT Safety Challenge

No worries, because one of my favourite Twitter peeps Aware Online has created his first OSINT quiz. This quiz is all about safety and OpSec while diving into other people’s profiles. Do you know what your browser is leaking? Do you know when you leave a trace? Check out the quiz, and find out!

Link: https://www.aware-online.com/quizzes/osint-safety-challenge-eng/

| Project Void

Do you want to feel like REAL Explorer and Mystery Solver? Experience the mind-bending Alternate reality game (ARG) that blends the fictional world with reality with detective style finest mystery puzzles, riddles, codes, and cryptograms.

That quote comes from the store where you can download this game. I’ve played the whole first mission and I really loved the idea of this game. You do actually have to Google for information, or break codes. A bit of sleuthing, a bit of OSINT, a bit of gaming, all in one. Thanks for the tip Tilman!

Android Playstore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hybriona.projectvoid

Apple Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/project-void-mystery-puzzles/id1386048466

| Fake Conference Calls

Micah Hoffman has been in self quarantine way too long I think, because he even started talking to himself. Not just that, he even recorded it! Open the videos, give it a practice run and (ab)use it whenever you need it.

YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3m3kuZw-TPMnMJNYkzyoDMTgFRuGmTKq

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/a6c79gs66tnv2yw/AAB2XpG0VUp91KXEX9juVGzWa

Have a good week and have a good search!

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