
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
This week I dive into some audio, OpSec, Telegram, a tool to investigate domain names via the Internet Archive, and a TryHackMe challenge.

I struggled to get this one live in time, not because there wasn't enough to share, but simply because I was too busy having fun, without thinking about anythi...

Another weekly update, with information on Tor, some tricks regarding operational security, Tor, some resources, fraud and interviews.

I've been enjoying some time off lately, and I've enjoyed it so much that I actually lost track of time! So in a last-minute attempt to write this week's overview...

Here we are again, with some beautiful bangs, facial features, sources for socks and valuable VPN's.

Welcome to the Monday with another set of interesting topics, articles and tips. I'm really grateful for people tagging me on Twitter, or sharing links in Slack channels and chat rooms. So many gre...

Discovered links in chats, items that were given via DM and even a small discovery from the homefront, and I've got some news about this website.

This week a small update, but nonetheless very interesting in my opinion. Small because I've been busy with updating the 'links' database on this site....