
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
This episode turned into a geolocation and OverPass special, with a little extra topping of OpenAI's GPT!

Geolocation is a very important part of the OSINT landscape, and besides manual investigations, there are also tools that can help you. One of the most helpful tools, is OverPass Turbo. By que...

This week I have to share some things that I found, while sharing some awesome work done by others at the same time!

When looking for new avenues within open source investigations, a lot of trial and error is done. And every time something new is discovered, I love to deep-dive into it. So last ni...

In this blog post I review the Dark Waters scenario, that is going live on March 15, 2023. It is a fun, and novel way to practice your OSINT skills!
Another nicely filled Week in OSINT, with analytics, news, tips, tricks and a special voucher!

Hello and welcome to another overview of last week's world of OSINT. I have a nicely filled episode today, with some really cool topics, starting with an amazing tool that can give a lot of insight into...

The latest OSINT news of week 9, 2023 is here! With topics ranging from careers in OSINT, to checking the existence of Snapchat accounts!

Another week flew by, with lots of interesting topics that I found online, that I will be sharing here with you. But of course I am also sharing the very last w...