
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
This week I have to share some things that I found, while sharing some awesome work done by others at the same time!

When looking for new avenues within open source investigations, a lot of trial and error is done. And every time something new is discovered, I love to deep-dive into it. So last ni...

In this blog post I review the Dark Waters scenario, that is going live on March 15, 2023. It is a fun, and novel way to practice your OSINT skills!
Another nicely filled Week in OSINT, with analytics, news, tips, tricks and a special voucher!

Hello and welcome to another overview of last week's world of OSINT. I have a nicely filled episode today, with some really cool topics, starting with an amazing tool that can give a lot of insight into...

This week's episode turned into a special about the process of doing research. I adopted a somewhat logical flow in the order of topics, and have something special at the end.

When doing some research on last week's content, I found out that there were some good articles posted dealing with the wo...

Another nice update, with a plethora of subjects this week! From privacy to news sites, and from stolen art to Shodan queries!

This week I have a very diverse set of topics, something I always love. The topics range from privacy to stolen art, and I had lots of fun reading articles and watching vi...

In this newsletter we have some research, a conference, a bunch of tips and a little treasure with cheat sheets and lots of links!

This week it wasn't difficult to find interesting topics. I haven't even begun to look at notes from the NCPTF conference, where I was able to attend a handful of ta...

Every week I try to bring you new tips, tricks or tools from the world of OSINT. This time it's about trainings, translations, Telegram and a Top 10!

The last week or so I've been busy writing a lot. I've got some new content for this website coming up, like some guides and another review, and I w...

Hello May, hello readers! Another newsletter with tools, tips, warnings and tutorials for you to start your week.

The first item this week shows once again the landscape of OSINT is constantly changing. It's not just the new apps and platforms that keep popping up, but also the mainstream social m...