
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
A short update from the world of OSINT, with some nifty mapping tools and tips by me, some profile photos and another source of news!

I am still rather busy, and didn't have time to write a full-on update from the last few weeks. But I did want to share a few interesting things I read or used myse...

Another short update from the world of OSINT, that starts off with a review of a documentary I watched last week.

Social media has quite an impact on modern society, and not always in a positive way, as can be seen in the documentary "Idaho Murders: Trial by TikTok" that was launched last week. De...

As most regular readers have noticed by now, I started linking to people's social media profiles differently lately. Instead of linking to their Twitter account, I started providing multiple social media profiles where applicable. Wherever possible, I will be providing links to Twitter, Mastodon,...

Week in OSINT turned five years old on May 20, 2023 and to celebrate I wanted to share a bit more insight into the person behind all this OSINT madness.
This week it turned into an episode focussed on media, like podcasts, interviews and even a movie!

By sheer coincidence I found some interesting podcasts, right after watching the movie 'Missing' last week. So I decided to focus on media based content this time. And since there is a lot to share o...

Week 15 of 2023 brings you some OSINT on leaked documents, LinkedIn, loads of records, links and more!

This week I just had to talk about the wonderful job that was done by The New York Times. I haven't mentioned everyone that worked on this, but I do know this was a team effort. Besides that, I'v...

Another Monday, another episode of Week in OSINT, with: Privacy, Google vision, Android & Windows, a charity and some links!

I was wondering whether I would manage to send out an episode today, but I just had to look a little further than usual. I can always tag the same people that send out a con...

This week I have to share some things that I found, while sharing some awesome work done by others at the same time!

When looking for new avenues within open source investigations, a lot of trial and error is done. And every time something new is discovered, I love to deep-dive into it. So last ni...