
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
And here's the second newsletter of August 2020, with some interesting links, stunning visuals, awesome people and a little bonus at the end.

When you think that new sources and tools are slowly drying up, you're wrong! People keep finding or creating new links, techniques, tools or information ou...

Some tips, a reverse image search, a new imagery website and the almost mandatory ‘corona section’

It’s time again for a short update with some nice things that I found last week while browsing the web. I kind of missed checking social media for new tips and links, or maybe I’m slightly going craz...

One day later, but still your weekly update with interesting links about open source investigation.

Yesterday was Easter Monday and the regular Week in OSINT was slightly different! Several weeks ago I added something extra in one of the episodes, to give some inquisitive people a chance to puzzle...

Another week, another small collection of the OSINT news from last week.

Last week a lot of investigative journalists showed their concerns about Terraserver moving their business to PrecisionHawk. Especially since they provided one of the more affordable services when it comes to high resolution...