
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
Another nicely filled newsletter, with street views and shades, domains, jobs, maps and more!

Another packed newsletter, with a plethora of topics, ready for your usual start of the week. I've had fun exploring all the upcoming sites and tips, and wish I had even more time to play with it all! I l...

Another weekly overview with some nice topics, like a note-taking tool that can visualize the structure of the information. Curious? Then read on!

It was a great week for me personally, at work and OSINT-wise. Lots of interesting information, meetings with interesting people, and some great links...

Hello May, hello readers! Another newsletter with tools, tips, warnings and tutorials for you to start your week.

The first item this week shows once again the landscape of OSINT is constantly changing. It's not just the new apps and platforms that keep popping up, but also the mainstream social m...

Hello and welcome to another Monday with some articles and tips on OSINT. This time, by sheer coincidence, I have multiple articles that focus on geolocation.

Last week there were some articles shared online about geolocation, that always will have my interest. Some nice 3D modelling, using trees...

Another week, another batch of links to tools, articles, loads of links and some threat intel topics for this week.

Hello everyone, welcome to another episode. This week I did some searching on my own, and that led me to GitHub to find some new and surprising things, like information on the Slovak...

Welcome to this Monday, with another episode of Week in OSINT. I'll talk about a tool I just discovered, we'll dive into some articles and Twitter threads, a great video by SANS and something fun!

Hello, and thanks for opening this page for the Monday morning ritual, called Week in OSINT. I've bee...

This week an important warning, some nice maps, tips and other things I encountered during my daily scrolling through all my news feeds and social media.

This week it's another interesting episode, starting off with an important warning about extensions and add-ons. Who would have suspected that a...

Hello and welcome to the first episode of October. Today I have some IoT, DNS, SOCMINT and other abbreviations for you.

Another week with a slightly shorter episode, because I've tried to have some more 'me' time during the evenings. But there are still some nice things to cover, like an awesome r...