
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
Another short update from the OSINT community, with some news about recent changes, privacy and another challenge by Sophia!

The social media landscape is constantly changing, as are the tools we have to our disposal. That is why I always recommend people not to rely solely on tools, but understan...

Here is another overview of week 4 from the world of OSINT, covering everything from CTFs to DNS and anything in between!

Lately I have been extremely busy with an education, and for a couple of weeks things won't really improve. So it is possible that a few of the upcoming episodes are slightly s...

Welcome to the first episode of Week in OSINT of 2024! Here are some interesting articles, tutorials and tips for you!

It has been a while since the last episode of Week in OSINT, but after being ill during the holidays, I chose to spend some time on things that are way more important than this we...

Christmas is getting close, and this will be the last episode of this year! But I've got some interesting content for you!

Every year around the December holidays I take some time off. And even though I have taken several breaks this year, due to an extremely busy schedule, I am going to take anot...

Another week, another episode with podcasts, people, tutorials and training!

This weekend was a bit more busy than I anticipated, so I didn't have enough time to finish this week's episode in time. But I still wanted to publish it, since I found some interesting things last week I really wanted to...

In this episode of Week in OSINT, I have some nice tutorials, an advent calendar, links and the weekly meme!

Another Monday, another episode of Week in OSINT is here! Some really nice topics to cover, and of course I will try to keep the new tradition of featuring a weekly meme in my episodes!

It is another Monday, so I have gathered some interesting content from the world of OSINT for you!

Hello Monday, here is another short update with some interesting things I found last week. Another last minute edit here or there, that is why this episode is published slightly later. This is not a...

A very short update, after being away for some weeks! This week, with some 'highlights'...

Okay, excuse the pun, those highlights can be found in the first section of this week's episode. A really handy little tool that will absolutely help you on your adventures out there. Talking about adventure...