
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
Another Monday filled with OSINT news on phishing, human rights violations, sock puppets and more!

I was finishing up my newsletter early this morning, but of course I ran into a phishing campaign and had to tweet something about that. It's almost time to take a little break again, so next week...

Metadata is data that provides information on other data. Within digital media, like photos or videos, it contains things like the creation date, location it was recorded, the applications used for editing, or even information about the creator of the item. This data is stored within the file itself...

A comprehensive guide to determining dates and times in (online) media

In this article I'll be diving into the world of chronolocation, metadata and shadows. Since this is the largest article I've written so far, I've decided to create a table of contents for your convenience. At the end of every...

Another weekly overview with some nice topics, like a note-taking tool that can visualize the structure of the information. Curious? Then read on!

It was a great week for me personally, at work and OSINT-wise. Lots of interesting information, meetings with interesting people, and some great links...

Review of Vortimo, an application that is designed to capture information within your browser, and help you to organize collected evidence.

It was 1999 when Roelof Temmingh had an idea to start a company that would become Sensepost. Less than ten years later, around 2007, he set up Paterva, the co...

While I have a short break during the summer, here are a couple of great resources, articles and videos to dive into while I'm off.

I'm in dire need of a little break from this newsletter, like every year around this time. But don't worry, there's a lot of great content out there that will keep yo...

A small update on the weekly OSINT news, with some tips, a new tool for Sentinel imagery, and an article on illegal wood trafficking.

To me it seemed this was a really short week, and I hardly had time to dive into the news! I've been extremely busy with work, investigating a lot of things, mostly...

A new phenomenon that injects your Google Calendar with spam, a basic guide into a small investigation

Well, that was a first! I received a notification this morning that one of my many Google accounts had an invitation to uhm… Receive money? And it would repeat this for 30 days in a row, probably...