
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
Another episode of your weekly dose of OSINT, with again a little bit of everything today. So enjoy some breaches, enhancing, searching, some news and a warning!

Yes, it really went out at 8:00AM this Monday morning! But it's that time of year again when the clocks are changing to wintertime, so i...

After last week's Week in OSINT I received a lot of positive feedback, so I gave my best to round up some more interesting sites, tools and news for you.

Let's first start with a quick overview of the topics:

  • GDPR and WHOIS
  • Tweetdeck, Feedreader and Chirp
  • Scumblr
  • OSINT on IP addresses
  • ...