
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
Another small update this week, with something on Mastodon, GitHub, Google reviews, tracking changes and some privacy.

Welcome to another small update from last week's tips I found on the internet. Another last-minute edit this Monday morning, since I was a bit busy over the weekend. But I managed...

This week's episode turned into a special about the process of doing research. I adopted a somewhat logical flow in the order of topics, and have something special at the end.

When doing some research on last week's content, I found out that there were some good articles posted dealing with the wo...

This week I have a look at the Wayback Machine, some spies in Germany, news from the Twitter front, and more!

It has been an interesting week for me. Loads of meetings, and instead of being in the office a few days, I was on the road for most of the time. Meetings, projects, taskforces, whatever i...