
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
Messaging mayhem, searching for sites and looking at logos.

Just a quick last minute episode of Week in OSINT. I’ve been offline at times last week and been extremely busy with work related stuff. But of course I was able to find some other things to talk about. So let’s kick off with this weeks o...

A nice mix of cars, tools, tips and media in this weeks WiO!

Here we are yet again with another weekly overview from the world of OSINT. This time there were lots of interesting things that were shared, but I don’t always have enough time to dive into each and every link, so let’s hope this list o...

Another week, another small collection of the OSINT news from last week.

Last week a lot of investigative journalists showed their concerns about Terraserver moving their business to PrecisionHawk. Especially since they provided one of the more affordable services when it comes to high resolution...

A fairly small update this week, due to a very busy weekend.

Wow, what a weekend this has been! I’ve had an all-nighter due to participating in the Trace Labs missing persons CTF. This was the second time that I was able to participate and I am proud to have worked together with salaheldinaz,...