Week in OSINT #2022-45

In this week's episode we again touch on Mastodon, we look at LinkedIn, we have loads of links and I dived into car logos.

The online community on Twitter is going bonkers about the whole acquisition of the platform, and besides people shifting to other platforms, there are also some interesting developments. Especially the fact that thousands of accounts have requested the $8 verified badge, simply to lure people into a scam of some sorts, is an interesting development from a security perspective. Do check out the last item in this week's overview for a nice Twitter search filter:

  • Nixintel's Links
  • PeepedIn
  • Masto
  • Carlogos
  • Twitter Filter

Links: Nixintel's Links

Steven Harris has his own public collection of links over on Start.me. He has loads of different categories, lots of links, and a treasure trove of information. I love these large collections, because there is always something interesting to find. There are so many resources out there, and even I don't know all of them, despite creating Week in OSINT since May 2018! So I'm off to check out some links that I didn't know yet.

Link: https://start.me/p/rx6Qj8/nixintel-s-osint-resource-list

Tool: PeepedIn

This tool was shared by Micah Hoffman on Discord, and is created by Jason Nickola. It comes with a warning that LinkedIn doesn't really like automated logins, so do make sure to test it with an account that is not too important . I gave it a small test run, and it seemed to be working nicely. This Python script should retrieve a list of employees from a given company, but due to some limitations within accounts, it can be that the results are not 100% complete, which corresponds with my findings. Still a handy tool if you need some form of automated scraping.

Output of the small company OSINT Analytics
Output of the small company OSINT Analytics

Link: https://github.com/chm0dx/peepedIn

Tool: Masto

Twitter user OSINT_Tactical created a Mastodon tool that enables you to find all kinds of information on a given username. He created it in such a way that you only have to run the tool, and he will go over several instances and outputs information that is found. After running a query on several instances, it also gives you the option to query for information on any given Mastodon instance. A very promising first tool for diving into Mastodon!

Going over Mastodon users with a handy wizard
Going over Mastodon users with a handy wizard

Link: https://github.com/C3n7ral051nt4g3ncy/Masto

Site: Carlogos

When you are busy with geolocation, and you see a niche car brand that you can't identify with CarNet.ai, there is still hope. As can be seen in this example, it isn't always possible to detect the correct car make and model (you may forget about the brand being visible in this example, it's just to illustrate my point):

But when you are able to zoom in on the car logo on the front, you are able to manually look for it over at Carlogos.org. This website has hundreds and hundreds of logos, sorted by country, popularity and even type of vehicle. And if you think you know all your cars already, go ahead and play their car logo quiz to see how well you do!

Browsing car logos
Browsing car logos

Link: https://www.carlogos.org

Tip: Twitter Filter

Ketan Joshi tweeted something interesting this weekend, a short filter to only show the tweets of your followers who paid for a blue checkmark.

An awkward, but interesting query!
An awkward, but interesting query!

The query is as follows:

filter:follows -filter:verified filter:blue_verified

This might seem like nothing, but you can customize this query to find people tweeting about certain topics, while impersonating some other verified account. So thank you for sharing this filter Ketan!

Have a good week and have a good search!

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