Week in OSINT #2022-10

This Monday I'll be sharing some tips and tools on investigating people and the war in Ukraine, but also look at search engines and link.

With the current situation in the world, there are loads of threads and information being shared about the war in Ukraine. I choose to not focus on that, but try to share a variety of links and tips that are useful in all kinds of investigations. It's sometimes a bit difficult to soft through, but thankfully there's always someone sharing a useful awesome link. This week I did add one link that is focussing on the Ukraine, simply because it's a new way to use a Start.me page. But when doing research on the war, do make sure to stay safe and try to avoid developing a trauma. It's been shared over and over already, but I'll repeat it here again. Please read the guide written by Nico 'Dutch OSINTguy' Dekens on the topic of vicarious trauma on OSINTCurious.

  • Ukraine Crisis Tracker
  • Collection of links
  • Investigate OpenSea
  • SearX Instances


The SEINT has been busy again! This time he created a little script that can generate a set of possible names or account names for people. With a simple click you can immediately search for them on search engines, or look at the generated Gravatars on the bottom of the page. A simple, effective and very useful tool. Thanks for making this!

Searching for people with a single clock of the mouse
Searching for people with a single clock of the mouse

GitHub: https://github.com/seintpl/NAMINT

Online: https://seintpl.github.io/NAMINT/

Links: Ukraine Crisis Tracker

Twitter account @Ernest4003, the founder of Sussex Global Analysis, created a Start.me page with links to several sources of information that track the current situation in Ukraine. From news and sanctions, to cams and links to other sources. If you are following the crisis, this is a good collection to bookmark.

Collection of news feeds, public cameras and links
Collection of news feeds, public cameras and links

Link: https://start.me/p/lLBdE6/ukraine-crisis-tracker

Links: Collection of links

White Hat Inspector was taking some time off from Twitter, but promised to be back with hist #DailyOSINT tips early March. Last week he was back again, and shared some nice links and tools. One of them I wanted to share here, a huge collection of links on Airtable. The list hasn't been updated since December 2020, but with close to 1200 links, there's a big chance there's something useful in there afterall.

Link after link...
Link after link...

Link: https://airtable.com/embed/...

Link: #DailyOSINT thread on Twitter

Tip: Investigate OpenSea

Sinwindie is at it again! He created yet another wonderful flowchart to use as a cheat sheet during your investigations. This time it's all about the world of NFTs, especially information on accounts over at OpenSea.io, an NFT marketplace. Here is his work of (ch)art, and don't forget to check out his other work over at GitHub.

Pivot points on OpenSea accounts
Pivot points on OpenSea accounts

Link: https://github.com/sinwindie/OSINT

Links: SearX Instances

SearX is a free metasearch engine, that aims to protect the privacy of its users. It shouldn't log any IP addresses, or search queries, and the results can be very pleasing. There's a plethora of different SearX instances out there, and today I'll share a list with over 80 of them. Go and test some out, try what layout you like best (like the clean example over at https://searx.tiekoetter.com/), and enjoy the instant 'cached' options with your search results.

Searching with SearX
Searching with SearX

Link: https://searx.space/

FUNINT: Fun With Verification

Brecht Castel hit 150 fact checks for the Belgian news outlet Knack. And to celebrate that with his Twitter followers, he picked the 5 weirdest photos he had to fact check!

Verification of news, more important than ever!
Verification of news, more important than ever!

Link: Twitter thread

Have a good week and have a good search!

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