
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
Another episode with some interesting articles, tools, search engines and of course the ever-present Monday Morning Meme!

It has been quite some time that I actually tested a tool in a custom VM, but this week I simply had to give the new Telegram a go. I love this tool a lot, especially since it...

This week's episode of WiO covers topics from cruise ships to custom search, and from sins to secrets!

Now that I've got the very cheesy alliteration covered, it's time to write the intro for this week's episode. As usual, this is done in the early morning, when everything around me is still quite...

From videos to visualisations, companies to communities, and from tips to tools! Maybe all of it is in this week's episode, but I mainly love alliterations...

Time flies when you're having fun, or when you are busy studying, like I was... But this week I am back with another 'normal' episode of We...

A short update from the world of OSINT, with some nifty mapping tools and tips by me, some profile photos and another source of news!

I am still rather busy, and didn't have time to write a full-on update from the last few weeks. But I did want to share a few interesting things I read or used myse...

Another short update from the world of OSINT, that starts off with a review of a documentary I watched last week.

Social media has quite an impact on modern society, and not always in a positive way, as can be seen in the documentary "Idaho Murders: Trial by TikTok" that was launched last week. De...

As most regular readers have noticed by now, I started linking to people's social media profiles differently lately. Instead of linking to their Twitter account, I started providing multiple social media profiles where applicable. Wherever possible, I will be providing links to Twitter, Mastodon,...

Week in OSINT turned five years old on May 20, 2023 and to celebrate I wanted to share a bit more insight into the person behind all this OSINT madness.
This week it turned into an episode focussed on media, like podcasts, interviews and even a movie!

By sheer coincidence I found some interesting podcasts, right after watching the movie 'Missing' last week. So I decided to focus on media based content this time. And since there is a lot to share o...