
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
Another tips about Telegram, diving into the dark web, and other interesting topics from the last week or so!

I have been dumpster diving for some interesting OSINT topics again, and actually chose to shorten it! I had a few more things that needed some extra testing, re-learning software I hadn't...

Another short episode this week, with some cool links, IP Geolocation, workflow and reports, and chronolocation.

This week it features something I discovered myself last week, a new and easy tool to use with chronolocation during the night. If ancient sailors were able to navigate the stars, it mu...

A comprehensive guide to determining dates and times in (online) media

In this article I'll be diving into the world of chronolocation, metadata and shadows. Since this is the largest article I've written so far, I've decided to create a table of contents for your convenience. At the end of every...