
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
Another week has flown by way too fast! Busy with talks, some digging into resources and of course this weekly newsletter!

It doesn’t seem a lot of links this week, but there are some nice articles in here that are absolutely worth reading and that will absorb enough of your time! So enjoy the sma...

Been busy… Short update…

No, I really mean it… This time it’s a really short one! I am already happy I was able to create a 10-minute tip for OSINTcurious last week, created two presentations for this week and even had time to study! I’ll see whether I can come up with a few more topics next tim...

API’s and onions, locations and leaks…

What a week it has been! First there was a huge dump of the Iron March forum, then Vortimo got accepted by Google (planning a review of that later on) and I also found way too many awesome links to share! It doesn’t look so much with only four topics, but the...

A short weekly update, due to other priorities, with a scam, a book, a tool and an article!

I was able to enjoy some offline time last week and get some rest from daily life. Gathering energy to dive into a malware campaign, preparing sheets for some talks, and of course to keep this newsletter up...